Helping patients reach remote healthcare
Helping patients reach remote healthcare
Helping patients reach remote healthcare
Helping patients reach remote healthcare

Worked closely with the PM and developers to create a virtual meeting dashboard for patient and provider.


Bay Area, CA


Bay Area, CA


Bay Area, CA

July 2019


July 2019


July 2019


July 2019


3 Weeks


3 Weeks


3 Weeks


3 Weeks


Web Design


User Journey


Web Design


User Journey


Web Design


User Journey


Web Design


User Journey


Product Designer

My role

Product Designer

My role

Product Designer

My role

Product Designer

My role

BlueJay is a start-up company that creates platforms for healthcare providers to deliver care and better patient outcomes through AI-powered Telerehabilitation technologies. I had the opportunity to work on the user flow for patients' and providers' Telehealth experience. I did AI-powered video visits, book appointments, and video conference solutions for health providers to deliver the best rehabilitation care to patients.


BlueJay is a start-up company that creates platforms for healthcare providers to deliver care and better patient outcomes through AI-powered Telerehabilitation technologies. I had the opportunity to work on the user flow for patients' and providers' Telehealth experience. I did AI-powered video visits, book appointments, and video conference solutions for health providers to deliver the best rehabilitation care to patients.


BlueJay is a start-up company that creates platforms for healthcare providers to deliver care and better patient outcomes through AI-powered Telerehabilitation technologies. I had the opportunity to work on the user flow for patients' and providers' Telehealth experience. I did AI-powered video visits, book appointments, and video conference solutions for health providers to deliver the best rehabilitation care to patients.


BlueJay is a start-up company that creates platforms for healthcare providers to deliver care and better patient outcomes through AI-powered Telerehabilitation technologies. I had the opportunity to work on the user flow for patients' and providers' Telehealth experience. I did AI-powered video visits, book appointments, and video conference solutions for health providers to deliver the best rehabilitation care to patients.


[Left] Before

[Left] Before

[Left] Before


After [Right]

After [Right]

After [Right]


Providers are concerned with the lack of information and features needed to serve their patients during the process of their video meeting.

I was provided the following needs and constraints:

  • Simple one-page process for patient booking appointment 

  • Booking appointments, but it needs to do more  

  • Design a compact dashboard layout for the provider 

  • Provider edit & view patient’s Infos.

  • Engaging video communication 

Problem Statement

User engagement: Outdated sign-up and making appointment form, Providers can’t access the patient’s medical details, Limited customization and features for providers, inconsistent style throughout patient’s and provider’s user flow, Small text, lack of accessibility, label and visual contrast
Scheduling appointment: Patients request a video consultation, however, there’s no option to choose when to meet or schedule
Admin dashboard: Although providers can access a patient’s record, they can’t assign other providers or edit different time slots.
Video consultation: “Message” was a place to type, nothing more. It’s a problem if a user wants to share media or chat with multiple people. 

Problem Statement

User engagement: Outdated sign-up and making appointment form, Providers can’t access the patient’s medical details, Limited customization and features for providers, inconsistent style throughout patient’s and provider’s user flow, Small text, lack of accessibility, label and visual contrast
Scheduling appointment: Patients request a video consultation, however, there’s no option to choose when to meet or schedule
Admin dashboard: Although providers can access a patient’s record, they can’t assign other providers or edit different time slots.
Video consultation: “Message” was a place to type, nothing more. It’s a problem if a user wants to share media or chat with multiple people. 

Problem Statement

User engagement: Outdated sign-up and making appointment form, Providers can’t access the patient’s medical details, Limited customization and features for providers, inconsistent style throughout patient’s and provider’s user flow, Small text, lack of accessibility, label and visual contrast
Scheduling appointment: Patients request a video consultation, however, there’s no option to choose when to meet or schedule
Admin dashboard: Although providers can access a patient’s record, they can’t assign other providers or edit different time slots.
Video consultation: “Message” was a place to type, nothing more. It’s a problem if a user wants to share media or chat with multiple people. 

Problem Statement

User engagement: Outdated sign-up and making appointment form, Providers can’t access the patient’s medical details, Limited customization and features for providers, inconsistent style throughout patient’s and provider’s user flow, Small text, lack of accessibility, label and visual contrast
Scheduling appointment: Patients request a video consultation, however, there’s no option to choose when to meet or schedule
Admin dashboard: Although providers can access a patient’s record, they can’t assign other providers or edit different time slots.
Video consultation: “Message” was a place to type, nothing more. It’s a problem if a user wants to share media or chat with multiple people. 


There are two different types of users for BlueJay TeleHealth project, patient and provider. They both go through different user experiences but meet at a similar end goal, a video consultation meeting.   

Patients: They’re relatively new or exiting users, usually rehabilitating patients, senior care and more. Also, some of their pain points are being visually impaired, uncomfortable using technologies, lack of help support and being impatient.   

Providers: They are doctors, therapists, nurses and caretakers. They input patients’ information on a daily basis, comfortable with technologies, attentive to detail, quick and observant. Providers are used to complex design because they adapt fast and take-in lot of information. Due to their professions, they wanted the TeleMeeting to have many features and functions despite the interface looking possibly busy.

Patient’s user flow

The patient’s journey is nothing difficult, instead, it focuses on getting straight to the point to request video consultation, pay, confirm and attend the video call. Their process needs to be simple and direct, easy to understand, through step by step procedure. This will allow them to spend less time figuring things out and navigate easily.

Provider’s user flow

Provider’s admin dashboard is different from patient’s journey. It’s complex since there is a lot of information and details they need to understand about their patient. They also want the BlueJay Telehealth platform to give the answer they need, to observe, to collect data, and to respond, so they don’t dwell on how things work.

Turning Scribbles Into Reality

Once I understand the user flow for both patient’s and provider’s journeys, I continue to sketch out all my findings and took more notes. Then I moved on to draw some rough sketches for the admin dashboard for the “meeting room” design.

Does It Actually Work?

Finally, the time to test out my gatherings and hypothesis to a high-fidelity design. I used Adobe XD and Sketch programs to create the interface and export them to the Zeplin program to share with the web developers. Developers then provide feedback on what’s possible and what can’t be implemented, so I would reiterate the design the following day.

Chat Communication

According to the existing design of communication in a video meeting, there is only a “Message” panel shown. It’s a simple chatbox that does the job but it was missing a lot of features. For example, sharing files, shown of profile name and pic, group chat, time of the message and more. As my supervisor requested, I consider adding chat features within the compact space.

Video Consultation Dashboard

The original interface didn't have a detailed video consultation reports, instead, a “Video Visit Performance” and “Exercise Modification Report.” Both of them give general data of patient's name, date and other content, however, providers can’t edit the data or update them. A new video consultation dashboard provides name, requested schedule, status and others details. Furthermore, it has a better search engine, messages, attachments assign providers and edit appointment dates and times.

Final Design

After reiterating the initial design from my supervisor and web developers’ feedbacks, the final look was prototyped. I used Adobe XD to create an interactive prototype that closely follows the patient’s and provider’s flow. Then I deliver it to my supervisor, so she can see the users’ journey and their behavior. 

Request A Video Consultation

According to the Patient’s flow, the initial step they take is to request a video consultation with their provider. It’s a relatively simple process of filling in the form, uploading necessary files and an optional message. After, they are taken to the payment page and then confirm the meeting.

Admin Dashboard

Once the patient sends the request for video consultation, the providers get a notification of the “Action Required” status in their Admin Dashboard. They can determine to confirm the meeting, to update the schedule or to assign different providers and once they are done and send, the status change to “Waiting Confirm,” meaning waiting for the patient to reconfirm the meeting through the email.  

Meeting Room

A Video communication dashboard is created for the Admin (providers) to view the upcoming video visits, search history calls, confirm requests, start a new meeting or scheduled meetings and more. Unlike Zoom and other video communication platforms, it gives detailed updates of the appointment information. 

Final Design

After reiterating the initial design from my supervisor and web developers’ feedbacks, the final look was prototyped. I used Adobe XD to create an interactive prototype that closely follows the patient’s and provider’s flow. Then I deliver it to my supervisor, so she can see the users’ journey and their behavior. 

Request A Video Consultation

According to the Patient’s flow, the initial step they take is to request a video consultation with their provider. It’s a relatively simple process of filling in the form, uploading necessary files and an optional message. After, they are taken to the payment page and then confirm the meeting.

Admin Dashboard

Once the patient sends the request for video consultation, the providers get a notification of the “Action Required” status in their Admin Dashboard. They can determine to confirm the meeting, to update the schedule or to assign different providers and once they are done and send, the status change to “Waiting Confirm,” meaning waiting for the patient to reconfirm the meeting through the email.  

Meeting Room

A Video communication dashboard is created for the Admin (providers) to view the upcoming video visits, search history calls, confirm requests, start a new meeting or scheduled meetings and more. Unlike Zoom and other video communication platforms, it gives detailed updates of the appointment information. 

Final Design

After reiterating the initial design from my supervisor and web developers’ feedbacks, the final look was prototyped. I used Adobe XD to create an interactive prototype that closely follows the patient’s and provider’s flow. Then I deliver it to my supervisor, so she can see the users’ journey and their behavior. 

Request A Video Consultation

According to the Patient’s flow, the initial step they take is to request a video consultation with their provider. It’s a relatively simple process of filling in the form, uploading necessary files and an optional message. After, they are taken to the payment page and then confirm the meeting.

Admin Dashboard

Once the patient sends the request for video consultation, the providers get a notification of the “Action Required” status in their Admin Dashboard. They can determine to confirm the meeting, to update the schedule or to assign different providers and once they are done and send, the status change to “Waiting Confirm,” meaning waiting for the patient to reconfirm the meeting through the email.  

Meeting Room

A Video communication dashboard is created for the Admin (providers) to view the upcoming video visits, search history calls, confirm requests, start a new meeting or scheduled meetings and more. Unlike Zoom and other video communication platforms, it gives detailed updates of the appointment information. 

Final Design

After reiterating the initial design from my supervisor and web developers’ feedbacks, the final look was prototyped. I used Adobe XD to create an interactive prototype that closely follows the patient’s and provider’s flow. Then I deliver it to my supervisor, so she can see the users’ journey and their behavior. 

Request A Video Consultation

According to the Patient’s flow, the initial step they take is to request a video consultation with their provider. It’s a relatively simple process of filling in the form, uploading necessary files and an optional message. After, they are taken to the payment page and then confirm the meeting.

Admin Dashboard

Once the patient sends the request for video consultation, the providers get a notification of the “Action Required” status in their Admin Dashboard. They can determine to confirm the meeting, to update the schedule or to assign different providers and once they are done and send, the status change to “Waiting Confirm,” meaning waiting for the patient to reconfirm the meeting through the email.  

Meeting Room

A Video communication dashboard is created for the Admin (providers) to view the upcoming video visits, search history calls, confirm requests, start a new meeting or scheduled meetings and more. Unlike Zoom and other video communication platforms, it gives detailed updates of the appointment information. 

Final Thoughts

This was my first UX/UI job where I was able to lead the design decisions. It was a great work experience where I learned the importance of understanding different user behaviors. It gives me the opportunity to design a complex web dashboard and create (30+ screens) within four weeks. My supervisor was very please with the end result and she applied 85% of the final interface design to the BlueJay TeleHealth.

See Also

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Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

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© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

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© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

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Whether you have a question, a project idea, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out and let's start a conversation.

© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼