Strengthening account security from scams
Strengthening account security from scams
Strengthening account security from scams
Strengthening account security from scams

Simple onboarding account setup and help secure online presence from potentential impersonation.


Bay Area, CA


Bay Area, CA


Bay Area, CA

January 2023


January 2023


January 2023


January 2023


3 Month


3 Month


3 Month


3 Month


0 → 1


Extension · Dashboard


0 → 1


Extension · Dashboard


0 → 1


Extension · Dashboard


0 → 1


Extension · Dashboard


Founding Product Designer

My role

Founding Product Designer

My role

Founding Product Designer

My role

Founding Product Designer

My role

In the digital age, ensuring account security and managing links effectively have become critical concerns. As the founding product designer at a startup, I tackled the challenge of creating a digital experience and security extension designed to protect users from social media scams, verify their online presence, map out their link histories, highlight related accounts, and manage overall link security.


In the digital age, ensuring account security and managing links effectively have become critical concerns. As the founding product designer at a startup, I tackled the challenge of creating a digital experience and security extension designed to protect users from social media scams, verify their online presence, map out their link histories, highlight related accounts, and manage overall link security.


In the digital age, ensuring account security and managing links effectively have become critical concerns. As the founding product designer at a startup, I tackled the challenge of creating a digital experience and security extension designed to protect users from social media scams, verify their online presence, map out their link histories, highlight related accounts, and manage overall link security.


In the digital age, ensuring account security and managing links effectively have become critical concerns. As the founding product designer at a startup, I tackled the challenge of creating a digital experience and security extension designed to protect users from social media scams, verify their online presence, map out their link histories, highlight related accounts, and manage overall link security.


[Left] Before

[Left] Before

[Left] Before


After [Right]

After [Right]

After [Right]


The internet has revolutionized the ways brands are discovered, accessed, and engaged with. Brand discovery and engagement is now across many channels through social networks. The complexity of social media networks presents significant challenges in developing cohesive security solutions, as users frequently maintain multiple accounts across various platforms. Scam detection accuracy is a critical issue, given the increasingly sophisticated tactics employed by scammers to mimic genuine accounts. Additionally, ensuring user trust and transparency is important for security-focused products, especially when handling sensitive information, as trust directly impacts user engagement and the overall effectiveness of the security measures.


Early startup team of 4 and as the sole designer, I faced several constraints that shaped the design process. Resource limitations on cohesive design language and system required me to use time and tools efficiently, while technical limitations necessitated seamless integration with various social media APIs, each with its own restrictions. Additionally, the solution needed to be scalable to manage a large number of users and accounts without compromising features, ensuring both smooth user experience.

Business Problem

Firstly achieving market differentiation in the competitive social media management market requires establishing a unique selling proposition centered on a robust security and verification solution. This solution must effectively stand out to attract and retain users, addressing concerns over user acquisition and retention. Secondly, there is a need to develop a reliable and trustworthy tool that enhances users' ability to manage their online presence, thereby bolstering user engagement and loyalty. Lastly, the business must create a scalable revenue model that effectively monetizes its security and verification services, ensuring sustainable growth while delivering tangible value to its user base.

User Problem

The average person now has over 10+ active accounts, creators have 30+, in addition, many accounts have inconsistent usernames and are oftentimes hard remember. Users face significant security concerns related to the potential hacking or impersonation of their accounts, which could result in both reputational harm and financial losses. There is frustration among users regarding the cumbersome and time-consuming process of verifying their identities across various platforms, leading to verification friction. Furthermore, the complexity of managing multiple social media accounts cause potential threats, as users struggle to maintain accurate connections and manage their accounts effectively, often encountering errors in the process.

Business Problem

Firstly achieving market differentiation in the competitive social media management market requires establishing a unique selling proposition centered on a robust security and verification solution. This solution must effectively stand out to attract and retain users, addressing concerns over user acquisition and retention. Secondly, there is a need to develop a reliable and trustworthy tool that enhances users' ability to manage their online presence, thereby bolstering user engagement and loyalty. Lastly, the business must create a scalable revenue model that effectively monetizes its security and verification services, ensuring sustainable growth while delivering tangible value to its user base.

User Problem

The average person now has over 10+ active accounts, creators have 30+, in addition, many accounts have inconsistent usernames and are oftentimes hard remember. Users face significant security concerns related to the potential hacking or impersonation of their accounts, which could result in both reputational harm and financial losses. There is frustration among users regarding the cumbersome and time-consuming process of verifying their identities across various platforms, leading to verification friction. Furthermore, the complexity of managing multiple social media accounts cause potential threats, as users struggle to maintain accurate connections and manage their accounts effectively, often encountering errors in the process.

Business Problem

Firstly achieving market differentiation in the competitive social media management market requires establishing a unique selling proposition centered on a robust security and verification solution. This solution must effectively stand out to attract and retain users, addressing concerns over user acquisition and retention. Secondly, there is a need to develop a reliable and trustworthy tool that enhances users' ability to manage their online presence, thereby bolstering user engagement and loyalty. Lastly, the business must create a scalable revenue model that effectively monetizes its security and verification services, ensuring sustainable growth while delivering tangible value to its user base.

User Problem

The average person now has over 10+ active accounts, creators have 30+, in addition, many accounts have inconsistent usernames and are oftentimes hard remember. Users face significant security concerns related to the potential hacking or impersonation of their accounts, which could result in both reputational harm and financial losses. There is frustration among users regarding the cumbersome and time-consuming process of verifying their identities across various platforms, leading to verification friction. Furthermore, the complexity of managing multiple social media accounts cause potential threats, as users struggle to maintain accurate connections and manage their accounts effectively, often encountering errors in the process.

Business Problem

Firstly achieving market differentiation in the competitive social media management market requires establishing a unique selling proposition centered on a robust security and verification solution. This solution must effectively stand out to attract and retain users, addressing concerns over user acquisition and retention. Secondly, there is a need to develop a reliable and trustworthy tool that enhances users' ability to manage their online presence, thereby bolstering user engagement and loyalty. Lastly, the business must create a scalable revenue model that effectively monetizes its security and verification services, ensuring sustainable growth while delivering tangible value to its user base.

User Problem

The average person now has over 10+ active accounts, creators have 30+, in addition, many accounts have inconsistent usernames and are oftentimes hard remember. Users face significant security concerns related to the potential hacking or impersonation of their accounts, which could result in both reputational harm and financial losses. There is frustration among users regarding the cumbersome and time-consuming process of verifying their identities across various platforms, leading to verification friction. Furthermore, the complexity of managing multiple social media accounts cause potential threats, as users struggle to maintain accurate connections and manage their accounts effectively, often encountering errors in the process.

User Research

Our objective is to understand user behaviors and pain points related to social media security, identify common scam tactics and user vulnerabilities, and evaluate user expectations for a security-focused product. Through research and user interviews, several key findings emerged. First, there is a significant awareness gap, as many users are unaware of the sophisticated tactics used by scammers, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Second, users expressed a strong need for tools that help verify the authenticity of social media accounts, emphasizing the importance of trust and verification in their online interactions. Lastly, users showed a clear desire for a centralized platform to manage the security of their multiple social media accounts, seeking a streamlined solution that would simplify account management and enhance their overall security. These insights underscored the necessity of developing a comprehensive and user-friendly security solution that addresses these critical needs and pain points.

Comparative Analysis

Conducted a comparative analysis on three leading account management products in the current market. Linktree primarily focused on the creation of profiles that aggregate multiple social media accounts, but it did not address comprehensive security needs. Buffer offered extensive account management capabilities; however, it suffered from a complex and unintuitive setup, particularly in terms of security. Auth0 provided strong account verification tools, effectively addressing authentication concerns, but it lacked features for mapping user link histories and connections. This analysis revealed the market's gaps and opportunities, highlighting the need for a product that combines intuitive user interfaces with robust link management, comprehensive security features, and tools for mapping user link histories and connections.

How are we solving the current security issues?

Key ideas that emerged from brainstorming sessions included

  1. Verification Badge, a unique marker for genuine accounts to build trust among followers.

  2. Unified Dashboard, offering a single interface for managing multiple account security,

  3. Verifying presence, consistent handles and mapping connections

  4. Automated Scanning tools, designed to automatically scan and flag suspicious activities and connections

  5. Chrome extension that alert users the site's legitimacy

These concepts aimed to create a comprehensive, user-friendly security solution that effectively addresses the identified pain points and enhances user trust and safety.


In our design exploration, we focused on addressing key pain points gather from user research. We started by designing features such as scam detection, account verification, user link history mapping, comprehensive security management, unified language and design system. Sketches and wireframes were developed to visualize these ideas. The concept of a Unified Dashboard emerged, providing a central hub for managing account security, verifying online presence, and mapping connections. We also incorporated Automated Scanning tools to flag suspicious activities and a Verification Badge to build trust among followers. 


The final design showcases multiple experience from staying safe while user is browsing to creating a public account profile to managing their link activity and its authenticity.

Security Chrome Extension

The NotCommon extension gives real-time notification with instant insights into the authenticity of accounts, so users can make informed decisions while browsing Web3 and Web2. The extension provides different inspect status, relevant security tips and actions to take and instantly identify list of verified accounts.


We aimed to make the onboarding process quick and straightforward, allowing users to sign up in less than a minute. Upon creating an account, users are prompted to verify their social links immediately or skip this step. We then provide a brief overview of what NotCommon has to offer and demonstrate what their account could look like during the empty state. This approach ensures users are quickly introduced to the platform's key features, making the initial experience both informative and engaging while highlighting the benefits and potential of a fully set up account.


The profile page displays a list of accounts and their verification statuses, with nested accounts clearly organized. To enhance user safety, we implemented a reporting system allowing users to flag broken URLs or scam accounts. When such issues are reported, we alert the account owner to the presence of unmatched or suspicious links. This proactive approach ensures users are aware of potential security risks, helping them maintain a secure and trustworthy online presence.

Manage Accounts

Manage dashboard enables users to add and manage their links, perform account verification, nest other links, and track their account activities. Additionally, we implemented a verification badge attached to users' accounts, establishing a consistent language of safety and trust. This design aims to simplify account management, enhance security, and provide users with clear and visible indicators of authenticity, thereby addressing the primary user needs and concerns identified during the ideation process.


The final design showcases multiple experience from staying safe while user is browsing to creating a public account profile to managing their link activity and its authenticity.

Security Chrome Extension

The NotCommon extension gives real-time notification with instant insights into the authenticity of accounts, so users can make informed decisions while browsing Web3 and Web2. The extension provides different inspect status, relevant security tips and actions to take and instantly identify list of verified accounts.


We aimed to make the onboarding process quick and straightforward, allowing users to sign up in less than a minute. Upon creating an account, users are prompted to verify their social links immediately or skip this step. We then provide a brief overview of what NotCommon has to offer and demonstrate what their account could look like during the empty state. This approach ensures users are quickly introduced to the platform's key features, making the initial experience both informative and engaging while highlighting the benefits and potential of a fully set up account.


The profile page displays a list of accounts and their verification statuses, with nested accounts clearly organized. To enhance user safety, we implemented a reporting system allowing users to flag broken URLs or scam accounts. When such issues are reported, we alert the account owner to the presence of unmatched or suspicious links. This proactive approach ensures users are aware of potential security risks, helping them maintain a secure and trustworthy online presence.

Manage Accounts

Manage dashboard enables users to add and manage their links, perform account verification, nest other links, and track their account activities. Additionally, we implemented a verification badge attached to users' accounts, establishing a consistent language of safety and trust. This design aims to simplify account management, enhance security, and provide users with clear and visible indicators of authenticity, thereby addressing the primary user needs and concerns identified during the ideation process.


The final design showcases multiple experience from staying safe while user is browsing to creating a public account profile to managing their link activity and its authenticity.

Security Chrome Extension

The NotCommon extension gives real-time notification with instant insights into the authenticity of accounts, so users can make informed decisions while browsing Web3 and Web2. The extension provides different inspect status, relevant security tips and actions to take and instantly identify list of verified accounts.


We aimed to make the onboarding process quick and straightforward, allowing users to sign up in less than a minute. Upon creating an account, users are prompted to verify their social links immediately or skip this step. We then provide a brief overview of what NotCommon has to offer and demonstrate what their account could look like during the empty state. This approach ensures users are quickly introduced to the platform's key features, making the initial experience both informative and engaging while highlighting the benefits and potential of a fully set up account.


The profile page displays a list of accounts and their verification statuses, with nested accounts clearly organized. To enhance user safety, we implemented a reporting system allowing users to flag broken URLs or scam accounts. When such issues are reported, we alert the account owner to the presence of unmatched or suspicious links. This proactive approach ensures users are aware of potential security risks, helping them maintain a secure and trustworthy online presence.

Manage Accounts

Manage dashboard enables users to add and manage their links, perform account verification, nest other links, and track their account activities. Additionally, we implemented a verification badge attached to users' accounts, establishing a consistent language of safety and trust. This design aims to simplify account management, enhance security, and provide users with clear and visible indicators of authenticity, thereby addressing the primary user needs and concerns identified during the ideation process.


The final design showcases multiple experience from staying safe while user is browsing to creating a public account profile to managing their link activity and its authenticity.

Security Chrome Extension

The NotCommon extension gives real-time notification with instant insights into the authenticity of accounts, so users can make informed decisions while browsing Web3 and Web2. The extension provides different inspect status, relevant security tips and actions to take and instantly identify list of verified accounts.


We aimed to make the onboarding process quick and straightforward, allowing users to sign up in less than a minute. Upon creating an account, users are prompted to verify their social links immediately or skip this step. We then provide a brief overview of what NotCommon has to offer and demonstrate what their account could look like during the empty state. This approach ensures users are quickly introduced to the platform's key features, making the initial experience both informative and engaging while highlighting the benefits and potential of a fully set up account.


The profile page displays a list of accounts and their verification statuses, with nested accounts clearly organized. To enhance user safety, we implemented a reporting system allowing users to flag broken URLs or scam accounts. When such issues are reported, we alert the account owner to the presence of unmatched or suspicious links. This proactive approach ensures users are aware of potential security risks, helping them maintain a secure and trustworthy online presence.

Manage Accounts

Manage dashboard enables users to add and manage their links, perform account verification, nest other links, and track their account activities. Additionally, we implemented a verification badge attached to users' accounts, establishing a consistent language of safety and trust. This design aims to simplify account management, enhance security, and provide users with clear and visible indicators of authenticity, thereby addressing the primary user needs and concerns identified during the ideation process.

Impact and Takeaway

Designing a product to protect users from social media scams, verify online presence, map out user link histories, spotlight related accounts, and manage link security was a challenging yet rewarding experience. Through a thorough UX process, including user research, comparative analysis, and iterative design, I was able to create a product that addressed both business and user needs effectively. This case study highlights the importance of user-centered design and iterative development in creating a successful and impactful product.

  • User Trust: The product successfully gained user trust through its effective scam detection and verification tools.

  • Market Differentiation: The holistic approach to social media security management set the product apart from competitors.

  • Iterative Process: Continuous prototyping and testing allowed for iterative improvements, resulting in a polished final product and stakeholders satisfaction, leading to triple the funding from when company was found.

  • Scalability: Designing with scalability and system in mind ensured the product could grow alongside its user base.

See Also

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© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

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Whether you have a question, a project idea, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out and let's start a conversation.

© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

Say hi

Whether you have a question, a project idea, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out and let's start a conversation.

© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼

Say hi

Whether you have a question, a project idea, or just want to say hello, I'd love to hear from you. Reach out and let's start a conversation.

© 2024 Su Moe. All Rights Reserved.

Created with passion 💖 and anixety 🌼